Jan 27, 2021
Jo's special guest in episode 17 is a familiar voice on the podcast - Swansea based PHD student Rebecca Ellis. She shares another science poem, explains more about her research into care pathways for autistic children in Wales, and also takes on Jo's Quick Six.
Plus Jo talks to pharmacy historian Briony Hudson about...
Jan 20, 2021
In episode 16 Jo is joined by writer Sarah Franklin, author of 'Shelter' and 'How To Belong'. Sarah talks about her childhood in the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire and how the area has provided great inspiration for her work. Plus she answers the Quick Six questions as Jo takes her on a virtual journey.
Jo also...
Jan 13, 2021
Jo's special guest in episode 15 is illustrator and author James Mayhew, who talks about what inspires his work, his career highlights including the Gaspard The Fox books and why he loves collaborating with orchestras. And he goes on a virtual journey in time and space in Jo's Quick Six.
Plus Glasgow based chemist and...
Jan 6, 2021
In the first episode of 2021 Jo is joined by Professor Barry Smith, a philosopher and sensory scientist based at the University of London. He explains how our enjoyment of food is a multi sensory experience and why Jo is a 'super taster'. Plus he takes on the Quick Six.
Jo also brings you the best of her guests from the...